Franchising 101

Owning your own business can be intimidating and seem like a high risk to take. If you want to own your own business but do not feel like you are putting your income on the line, becoming a franchisee is probably the best solution for you. If you want to spend time with your own family, be your own boss, and help out your local community at the same time, Fundraising University is the place for you. We provide undivided support and all the necessary tools you need to be a successful business owner. If you are curious to learn more and get started today, contact Fundraising University today!

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What is Franchising?

Franchising is a way of doing business in which a franchisee will sign an agreement with a franchisor that allows the franchisee to use their licenses, trademarks, or systems to create their own business. The franchisee purchases the right to operate their business under the franchisor’s name so that way there is already a successful business model in place that the franchisee can work from, taking a lot of the guesswork out of researching and developing on your own. At Fundraising University, our business model has  provided  success, so that way you can hit the ground running. We set up the groundwork for you so you can just run with it.

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Ongoing fees

Athletic fundraising franchises are ongoing ventures that require recurring fees to maintain. Franchise fees can be used to cover the costs associated with running a successful athletic fundraising program. From marketing and advertising to developing new fundraising initiatives and tracking progress, franchise fees can help to ensure that the program remains profitable. Some common fees that come along with any franchise startups include:

    • Initial investment —There will be a startup fee for every business regardless if it is an established franchise. Renting out a workspace, and ordering necessary equipment and supplies are all part of the initial investment
    • Franchise Fee — This is the one-time fee that is charged when a franchisee buys into the franchise system. This fee can be thought of as buying the right to use the franchise name and resources for their business.
    • Royalty fee — This is a recurring fee that is paid to the franchisor on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. Most of the time this total is generated as a certain percentage of the franchise location’s gross revenue.

Although there are fees attached to being a franchisee, the costs are similar to starting your own business with your own brand. The only difference is that with us you have access to our established and successful business model, legal and marketing tools as well as all the supplies you’ll need to get going.

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Does The Franchisee Receive Any Support?

For any successful franchise owner, it is essential to ensure that their franchisees are properly supported and guided at all times. Franchisors understand that their own success relies heavily on their franchisee’s success, so it is in their best interest to provide constant guidance and support. Not only does this guarantee the franchisee’s success, but it also ensures that they feel confident in their field and are able to strive to be the best. As a result, it is imperative that franchisors provide ongoing support to their franchisees in order to thrive.

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Benefits of becoming a franchisee

There are many benefits to becoming a franchisee beyond just constant support and supply of necessary supplies, franchises also provide much-needed security. When you become a franchisee, you won’t have to worry about making your name stand out or developing a business model and marketing strategy that works. Being a franchisee comes with the security and structure of an already established brand which means you already have name recognition, training, marketing support, and financial guidance before you even turn on the open sign.


Becoming a franchisee is a great opportunity for those who want to become their own boss, work on their own terms and make a living for themselves with little to no risk. Becoming a franchise owner can be a great way to capitalize on the success of an established brand and provide a reliable source of income for you and your family. By becoming a franchisee with Fundraising University, you will be making money all while helping out your local community and keeping the athletic program alive at your local high school. So if you’re looking to become a successful franchisee, Fundraising University can provide you with the necessary tools and training to help you achieve your goals. Contact us today!

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